
Errors in Recognizing the Surroundings Are Paralleled by Misjudgments of Time and Trouble


Maybe it's surrender, I said at Thursday Night Pints, asked by K why the retirements and extended vacations in my stringtown of Blegsylvania. Where last week's surprise TNP was joyous throughout, last night started sullen, yes warm, yes welcome, but sullen as a rerun. Jeb Fucking Bush, said D, Hillary Fucking Clinton, said L, Terry Fucking McAuliffe, I said, versus Kenasshole Cuccinelli, more lesser-evilism spinach for professional progressive Popeyes. Hahaha. Jesusshit, no wonder people are quitting, said L. Then, suddenly, happier. K said she would have held out but Whatshisname really wanted to know the gender of the child, may I suggest Jeffrina for your daughter's name, I am so happy she and you are so healthy.


Keith Waldrop

As the wave reaches the church, it
separates right and left and the edifice
is embraced. Confabulation fills the gap.

Still, the shadow-sound is only partial. Errors
in recognizing the surroundings are
paralleled by misjudgments of time and trouble.

The pulse advances, squeezes the particles to-
gether. Meaningless patterns distorted,
so as to make them look familiar.

When a long sea roller meets an isolated
rock in its passage, it rises against the rock,
clasps it all around. Past events, pushed.