
Honor a Going Thing, Goldfinch, Corporation, Tree, Morality

Internet Addiction Test. Not in real life, not in blog life, almost certainly in wage life I'll soon need twitter, venders I monitor now updating status via. I promise not to tweet in real life or blog life. I've still not bought a iPad or tablet or smart phone. I briefly thought about it last week when Planet and I went to a Verizon store to swap out her phone; we were hard-shopped the latest iPhone, and when Planet said can I have one and I said yes (while thinking, Would I like an iPhone?) the salesperson said no, not now, you can reserve one for a week from Saturday, so while fuck that, I got out without one but get only half-credit for willpower.


A.R. Ammons

Honor a going thing, goldfinch, corporation, tree,
          morality: any working order,
       animate or inanimate: it
has managed directed balance,
          the incoming and outgoing energies are working right,
       some energy left to the mechanism,
some ash, enough energy held
          to maintain the order in repair,
       assure further consumption of entropy,
expending energy to strengthen order:
          honor the persisting reactor,
       the container of change, the moderator: the yellow
bird flashes black wing-bars
          in the new-leaving wild cherry bushes by the bay,
       startles the hawk with beauty,
flitting to a branch where
          flash vanishes into stillness,
       hawk addled by the sudden loss of sight:
honor the chemistries, platelets, hemoglobin kinetics,
          the light-sensitive iris, the enzymic intricacies
       of control,
the gastric transformations, seed
          dissolved to acrid liquors, synthesized into
       chirp, vitreous humor, knowledge,
blood compulsion, instinct: honor the
          unique genes,
       molecules that reproduce themselves, divide into
sets, the nucleic grain transmitted
          in slow change through ages of rising and falling form,
       some cells set aside for the special work, mind
or perception rising into orders of courtship,
          territorial rights, mind rising
       from the physical chemistries
to guarantee that genes will be exchanged, male
          and female met, the satisfactions cloaking a deeper
       racial satisfaction:
heat kept by a feathered skin:
          the living alembic, body heat maintained (bunsen
       burner under the flask)
so the chemistries can proceed, reaction rates
          interdependent, self-adjusting, with optimum
       efficiency—the vessel firm, the flame
staying: isolated, contained reactions! the precise and
          necessary worked out of random, reproducible,
       the handiwork redeemed from chance, while the
goldfinch, unconscious of the billion operations
          that stay its form, flashes, chirping (not a
       great songster) in the bay cherry bushes wild of leaf. 


Planet Called Re: George

Planet called from Bamgier asking why I hadn't blogged today's tenth anniversary of George's passing. Noted. I expect the fuck me and my calendar comment toot sweet even if I needed reminding by my daughter. As for George, I need a bigger desert island or a less stupid game. Death to the either/or.

UPDATE! A loved one emails to say play this. Yes.

Evidence Suggests Eight Complexly Folded Scuttling Works of Armament

Sam Brownback apologized (of a sorts) after his asshole staff hammered an eighteen-year-old smart-ass tweeter, and ask yourself, in Kansas (or your state) politics, what is more dangerous to Brownback's permanent Senate seat than cyber-dissent by high school seniors?

UPDATE! He's governor of Kansas now? Last time I thought of him he was a senator and 2008 Republican primary's Santorum.

Blogbud Duncan wrote about the incident, and here I plagiarize the email I sent him in response to the post, his email to me, my email to him:

Me: Re: tweet - when I stop to think of the ways I voluntarily - thoughtlessly - like this email, for instance - enter evidence into panopticon's data base, that's when I recognize with a thump how complicit I am. They know I bought tofu at Safeway yesterday, or, rather, not know, have stored the data I bought tofu at Safeway yesterday in case they ever want to know. We buy products that help us be tracked, easier and easier with every upgrade, 4D today, 5D tomorrow.

Duncan: Y'know, though, "voluntarily" and "thoughtlessly" mean two different things.  Most people aren't aware that everything they do that involves a computer is trackable, and many wouldn't be happy if they realized it.  I'm reading a good book on ethics right now that mentioned something that's bothered me before, the tendency to assume that if I voluntarily do something now, I somehow accept its most distant consequences.  This is invoked very selectively, of course: if a woman has unprotected sex, she's supposedly 'choosing' to get pregnant; if she goes for a walk alone, she's supposedly 'choosing' to be raped.  But it's not applied to other people: if a bank CEO decides to deal in risky derivatives and causes lots of people to lose their homes, he's not said to have 'chosen' to be strung up from a lamppost by an angry mob; if a very high government official chooses to have captives waterboarded, he's not 'choosing' to spend the rest of his life in a jail cell in the Hague.  But even distinguished professional philosophers have made that false connection.

Me: Yes, you're right, re: voluntarily v thoughtlessly - I thought about this when we were in the UK (London especially) when everyone everywhere is under constant surveillance when on the streets, the tube, everywhere; it's not precisely voluntary (one has to go out) and thoughtlessly is both a strategy and an avoidance.

Adding: as for tweetguilt, blogguilt, emailguilt, cellguilt, I burst to fill Our Overlord's Dossier Against Me, so far they don't (and rightfully) give a flying fuck though I flatter myself they're listening. Hey! Bankers suck! Up against the wall, motherfuckers!

  • Dare I say, E.J. Dionne's revolutionary manifesto. It will convince Joe Lieberman to stop being a self-serving dick.
  • Here's the sublede of a Pastor Sanctimonious column up on the front webpage at YFWP as I type this at 830 PM EST 11/28/11: Romney’s new ad is misleading, but Obama can’t complain about distortions. That may or not be gone by the time you read this sentence. What won't be gone is this final sentence in Pastor Sanctimonious' sermon on good and evil, typed without a hint of irony or self-awareness: In political advertising, it is not impurity that rankles most. It is the pretense of purity. He's a B-List asshole by YFWP's exceptionally awful standards of assholosity, but he's a sanctimonious asshole Pastor Sanctimonious is.
  • Occupy London at crossroads.
  • Post-democracy.
  • I'm convinced Corporate wants Obama to win.
  • As nature allows.
  • You are what you buy.
  • Narrative is distorting
  • Someone else's children.
  • Blogbud JV emailed, recommends this and this for your consideration.
  • Also, motherfucking crackers.
  • Hey, someone else thinks the new kits are lame.
  • Hey, don't take tylenol.
  • MOCO and big boxes. Hey, why are there no Sheetzs or WaWas in MOCO? I'm asking.
  • What you can buy me for Giftmas.
  • Elkin.
  • Musashi plain moon.
  • Yes, I did do some tweeking of the blog. The WFMU widget crashed so it's been removed, I've moved Me and Mine higher on the left, and I've expanded Because Left to twenty-five showing at once instead of ten. 
  • There are some new occupants in Because Left and Because Right. As always, if you're Kinding me and me not you, let me know.


Mark Doty

Not, exactly, green:
closer to bronze
preserved in kind brine,

something retrieved
from a Greco-Roman wreck,
patinated and oddly

muscular. We cannot
know what his fantastic
legs were like--

though evidence
suggests eight
complexly folded

scuttling works
of armament, crowned
by the foreclaws'

gesture of menace
and power. A gull's
gobbled the center,

leaving this chamber
--size of a demitasse--
open to reveal

a shocking, Giotto blue.
Though it smells
of seaweed and ruin,

this little traveling case
comes with such lavish lining!
Imagine breathing

surrounded by
the brilliant rinse
of summer's firmament.

What color is
the underside of skin?
Not so bad, to die,

if we could be opened
if the smallest chambers

of ourselves,
revealed some sky


Pressed, Printed, Stomped, Tripped; Trapped, Tricked, Packaged, Shipped...

Jeebusfuck, those are United's new clown suits kits for 2012. What the fuck are those red things on the arms of the home blacks, red collars and armpits on the white road shirt, I mean, fuck adidas, and remember, just because there's not a stupidass third red kit shown doesn't mean there won't be a stupidass third red kit next year.

Gah, I'll save you! save me! have another GbV song:

I Am This Dream's Dog

King Shit & The Golden Boys. I surrender, I don't know why it took till now, but Guided by Voices (all Pollard projects) is now officially the third permanent member of my Sillyass Desert Island Five, leaving only two rotating spots. Be in your head:


Lynn Emanuel
Even the butter's a block of sleazy light. I see that first,
as though I am a dreary guest come to a dreary supper.
On her table, its scrubbed deal trim and lonely as a cot,
is food for one, and everything we've ever hated: a plate of pallid
grays and whites is succotash and chops are those dark shapes glaring up at us.
Are you going to eat this? I want to ask; she's at the stove dishing up,
wearing that apron black and stiff as burned bacon, reserved for maids and waitresses.
The dream tells us: She is still a servant. Even here.
So she has to clean our plate. It's horrible to watch.
She pokes the bits of stuff into her mouth. The roll's glued shut like a little box
with all that sticky butter. Is this all living gets you? The room, a gun stuck in your back?
Don't move, It says. She's at the bureau lining up bobby pins.
Worried and fed up I wander to the window
with its strict bang of blind. My eyes fidget and scratch.
And then I see myself: I am this dream's dog. I want out


Complete, in Ignorance, New Combinations

End of the slowest week of the year in Blegsylvania in a dying Blegsylvania, end of Planet's visit, she's back in Bamgier, end of Earthgirl's show, end of Earthgirl's paintings here*, end of Occupy - all Corporate had to do was wait for motherfucking Giftmas, let the motherfucking peasants pepper-spray each other over motherfucking game-boys, though punching fucking hippies was too much fun to resist. Meme the Davis cop onto motherfucking Rembrandt, peasants, see if Corporate cares, Black Friday sales up 7% over last year in a worse economy, revolution, you motherfucking indoctrinated motherfuckers, by which I mean me, out $175 on a pair of Vasque hiking boots with goretex against Ohio snow as an early Giftmas present for Planet.

  • No, I don't think Occupy's dead, but I've been reminded of the improbability if not impossibility of its success however you wish to define it. Running some coats down this afternoon. Thanks! Neil and Tracy.
  • Democracy v Plutocracy: The Chart.
  • Rhetorical question.
  • Canada too, and soon.
  • Contra-Naomi Wolf.
  • *UPDATE! Not never, just this show. You read monologues out loud, no? 
  • Capitalism's side-effects.
  • Like this will stop the U.S.
  • They hate us for our freedoms and wholesome goodness.
  • The good news at the end of the slowest week of the year in a dying Blegsylvania is not only did I not full bleggalgaze, I never came close to full bleggalgazing, nor wrote about what my not coming close to full bleggalgazing signifies, not even in tablet.
  • General strike in England.
  • A Daniel come to judgment.
  • One of many problems with Ron Paul
  • Also, is it my imagination or are all google products, blooger to gmail, clusterfucked recently re: loading? 
  • Ten years ago I would have felt morally obligated to read new DeLillo.
  • American Incognito.


Thom Gunn

Nothing remained: Nothing, the wanton name
That nightly I rehearsed till led away
To a dark sleep, or sleep that held one dream.

In this a huge contagious absence lay,
More space than space, over the cloud and slime,
Defined but by the encroachments of its sway.

Stripped to indifference at the turns of time,
Whose end I knew, I woke without desire,
And welcomed zero as a paradigm.

But now it breaks—images burst with fire
Into the quiet sphere where I have bided,
Showing the landscape holding yet entire:

The power that I envisaged, that presided
Ultimate in its abstract devastations,
Is merely change, the atoms it divided

Complete, in ignorance, new combinations.
Only an infinite finitude I see
In those peculiar lovely variations.

It is despair that nothing cannot be
Flares in the mind and leaves a smoky mark
Of dread.
               Look upward. Neither firm nor free,

Purposeless matter hovers in the dark.


There's Just No Accounting for Happiness or the Way It Turns Up Like a Prodigal

I admit I've enjoyed not enjoying shit like this shit the past few days:

Some of the smartest and most sophisticated people I know—canny investors, erudite authors—sincerely and passionately believe that President Barack Obama has gone far beyond conventional American liberalism and is willfully and relentlessly driving the United States down the road to socialism. No counterevidence will dissuade them from this belief: not record-high corporate profits, not almost 500,000 job losses in the public sector, not the lowest tax rates since the Truman administration. It is not easy to fit this belief alongside the equally strongly held belief that the president is a pitiful, bumbling amateur, dazed and overwhelmed by a job too big for him—and yet that is done too.

That's David Frum's latest greatest anti-cracker apostasy, and here's what occurs to me beyond post-duh yawn on Frum's assclownery: assorted angles on bleggalgazing and my complicity via shorthanded code I assume you know ending in self-recrimination that's serious enough for self-mockery but not serious enough to make me materially change the life I'm vested in. I'll embed this block between photos of Earthgirl's latest paintings, her recent burst of creativity, width, depth, breadth, space and time, I don't feel a need to say more I assume you know what I mean, adding, save the landscapes and use as desktop backgrounds for full effect.

Also, too:

No 3 was the most clarifying: draft laws against the little-known loophole that currently allows members of Congress to pass legislation affecting Delaware-based corporations in which they themselves are investors. When I saw this list – and especially the last agenda item – the scales fell from my eyes. Of course, these unarmed people would be having the shit kicked out of them.

Since Occupy is heavily surveilled and infiltrated, it is likely that the DHS and police informers are aware, before Occupy itself is, what its emerging agenda is going to look like. If legislating away lobbyists' privileges to earn boundless fees once they are close to the legislative process, reforming the banks so they can't suck money out of fake derivatives products, and, most critically, opening the books on a system that allowed members of Congress to profit personally – and immensely – from their own legislation, are two beats away from the grasp of an electorally organised Occupy movement… well, you will call out the troops on stopping that advance.

I admit I've enjoyed not enjoying shit like that duh the past few days.


Jane Kenyon

There's just no accounting for happiness,
or the way it turns up like a prodigal
who comes back to the dust at your feet
having squandered a fortune far away.

And how can you not forgive?
You make a feast in honor of what
was lost, and take from its place the finest
garment, which you saved for an occasion
you could not imagine, and you weep night and day
to know that you were not abandoned,
that happiness saved its most extreme form
for you alone.

No, happiness is the uncle you never
knew about, who flies a single-engine plane
onto the grassy landing strip, hitchhikes
into town, and inquires at every door
until he finds you asleep midafternoon
as you so often are during the unmerciful
hours of your despair.

It comes to the monk in his cell.
It comes to the woman sweeping the street
with a birch broom, to the child
whose mother has passed out from drink.
It comes to the lover, to the dog chewing
a sock, to the pusher, to the basketmaker,
and to the clerk stacking cans of carrots
in the night.
It even comes to the boulder
in the perpetual shade of pine barrens,
to rain falling on the open sea,
to the wineglass, weary of holding wine


New Fall

New The Fall. h/t and Mark E Smith Interview. And bookmark Quietus.

The Fall is in the short list for one of the three rotating spots in my Sillyass Desert Island Five Game. You are playing these LOUD! yes?

UPDATE! Also, this.


Yes. So We Must Reconnect Ideas of God, and the Definitions of “Liberty,” and the Psychology of Our Earliest Models of Governance, with Oyster Peeces in Barley Beer & Wheet, Chopt Cod & Venyson Seethed in a Blood Broth, Hominy Pottage, also Squirell


Albert Goldbarth

We know far more about the philosophical underpinnings of Puritanism than we do about what its practitioners consumed at countless meals.
—James Deetz


Yes. So we must reconnect   
ideas of God, and the definitions of “liberty,”   
and the psychology of our earliest models of governance, with   
oyster peeces in barley beer & wheet,
chopt cod & venyson seethed in a blood broth,   
hominy pottage, also squirell.   
Their heads might well have brimmed with heaven   
and its airborne personnel, but still their mouths were a mash   
of white meat [cheese] and a motley collation
of eel leavings, a fine samp, and a roast Fowl.   
Worshipp first, then after—butter Biskuits!
David Ignatow:   
“seeking transcendence   
but loving bread”   


And it is too easy to get lost in abstraction,   
as if smoke, and dream, and quantum ersatz-states   
are our proper environment... it’s easy to conceptualize in “politics”   
and not in the clack of the black or white dried bean   
we drop in the voting bowl. In some tribes, there’s a designated   
“reminderer,” and when the shaman novitiate—or sometimes   
simply a mournful family member—follows the star trail   
into the country of ghosts, and lingers there, this person tugs   
the wanderer back home: perhaps a light thwack   
with a broom-shock, or the rising steam of a broth that one   
can hungrily shinny down to Earth like a rope.   
In the Mesopotamian Inanna myth, it’s water and bread   
that resurrect the goddess and allow her   
to begin the long ascent out from the craters of Hell.   

We can spend all day, and many days, and years, in theorizing.   
“A Computer Recreation of Proto-Hominid Dietary Intake:   
An Analysis”   
... we’ll float off, through these foggy lands of argot,   
in the way that someone else might dissolve in the blue cloud   
of an opium den... no wonder there’s such pleasure in uncovering   
the solid fossil record of those appetites, and in emptying out   
its evidence grain by grain, a stone piñata. How often   
the stories bring us back to that grounding! In 1620,   
a first exploratory party from the Mayflower went ashore   
on the northern Cape Cod coast. The weather was bad   
and disorienting: a half a foot of snow, in air   
so thick as to be directionless. But we sense they recouped   
their spirits that night, from three fat Geese
and six Ducks whitch we ate with Soldiers stomackes.


And it is too easy to lose ourselves in cyberthink,   
untethered from the touchable, from even the cohesive force   
suffusing through one atom. “What we keep,”   
reports an archivist at the New York Times, “is the information,   
not the paper”... everything e-storaged now.   
A thousand years of pages, pffft: dismissiveness   
as obliterative as a bonfire, in the long run. Oh, yes,   
easy to cease to exist as an actual shape, inside the huge,   
occluding mists of legalese: we say “repatriation   
of native archeological remains,” and we mean   
human bones, that’s what we mean: hard and dear   
and contested. We say “ritual signifier of threat,” but   
what the Narragansetts sent to the colonists at Plymouth   
was a bundl of thair Arrows tyed about in a mightie Snake skin.

I died. And I was stolen
into a land of strangers—of not-the-People.   
I floated all day, many days. And here
the ribs of my cage were empty: always
I was hungry, for the things that People need.   
But this was not the sun, and this was not the soil,
of the People; and I was restless, I had no one
for between my legs, and no drum in my chest.
There was much war from this: the People
desired me back, they said “this one
is part of many-ones,” and after words and words,   
their word was so. One day the breezes sent the fishes
and savory beaver parts, and I knew at last
that I was home: my mouth of my skull watered.   


“When hegemonic identity-structures systemize cognition—” whoa.   
There are times I think my friends might flimmer away in that   
high-minded mush... and I concentrate, then, on the names   
of those people from 1621, names that are true, specific   
labor and specific, beautiful common things. Cooper.   
Fletcher. Glover. Miller. Glazer. Mason. Carpenter.   
Cheerfull Winter.   
Oceanus Hopkins.   
Lydia Fish, Nathaniel Fish and Steadfast Fish, of Sandwich.   
Zachariah Field, father, and daughter Dutiful Field.   
Pandora Sparrow.   
Who wouldn’t care to meet Peregrine Soule?   
And who could wish to let go of this life   
when faced by Countenance Bountie?


I Wish What I Wished You Before, But Harder

Please be warned and forgive me, I'm in a good mood, had a wonderful dinner last night with Landru and Ilse and my daughter

in which history was made!

One of BFF's favorite stories to tell on me is that, years ago--Planet remembers it as being at a Maryland-Duke womens' basketball game, which puts her at about age 12 or 13--I was so deeply disturbed by Planet's stability, equanimity, poise, grace, and general goody-twoshoesedness that I offered her twenty bucks if she'd say "fuck," just once. She's faithfully refused ever since. Until tonight. A mere three months in the bower of liberal academia has changed our darling Planet profoundly. It'd make your head spin, how fast the little pottymouth said, "Baby needs a new pair of fuckin' shoes."

Mind, what happened was she had been talking about assholes running around drunk in the dorm at three in the morning at college, and I said, she's cursing now, I'm so proud, and Landru then took out the $20 bill. The conversation had turned to a need for winter shoes. She didn't remember the dare at first, so as Landru sat there tapping the $20 bill, behind his back I made eye-contact with Planet, glanced at the tapping hand on the bill, mouthed "fucking shoes," and - BANGO! - she connected, didn't hesitate saying the word or taking the money. Love. All around.

Mind, my favorite story to tell on Landru is that he was the first human not a doctor, not a nurse, not Earthgirl or me, to hold Planet. So, sorry, good mood, there's aargh in the links, but it's not heartfelt aargh, my apologies.


Richard Wilbur

In her room at the prow of the house
Where light breaks, and the windows are tossed with linden,
My daughter is writing a story.

I pause in the stairwell, hearing
From her shut door a commotion of typewriter-keys
Like a chain hauled over a gunwale.

Young as she is, the stuff
Of her life is a great cargo, and some of it heavy:
I wish her a lucky passage.

But now it is she who pauses,
As if to reject my thought and its easy figure.
A stillness greatens, in which

The whole house seems to be thinking,
And then she is at it again with a bunched clamor
Of strokes, and again is silent.

I remember the dazed starling
Which was trapped in that very room, two years ago;
How we stole in, lifted a sash

And retreated, not to affright it;
And how for a helpless hour, through the crack of the door,
We watched the sleek, wild, dark

And iridescent creature
Batter against the brilliance, drop like a glove
To the hard floor, or the desk-top,

And wait then, humped and bloody,
For the wits to try it again; and how our spirits
Rose when, suddenly sure,

It lifted off from a chair-back,
Beating a smooth course for the right window
And clearing the sill of the world

It is always a matter, my darling,
Of life or death, as I had forgotten. I wish
What I wished you before, but harder


The Little Kerf the Dog Chewed in the Orange Frisbee


D. Nurkse

Brothers and sisters, who live after us,   
don't be afraid of our loneliness,   
our dented wiffle ball, the little kerf   
the dog chewed in the orange Frisbee.   

Don't grieve for our kite; not the frayed string   
that clings to your ankle, not the collapsed wing.   

We lived on earth, we married, we touched each other   
with our hands, with our hair that cannot feel   
but that we felt luxuriously, and with promises.   

We made these bike tracks in the sand   
—don't follow them—and this calcined matchhead   
is the last statue of our King.   

We lived between Cygnus and Orion,   
resenting the blurriness of the Pleiades,   
in a house identical to its neighbors—   
stepwise windows, ants never to be repelled,   
TV like a window into the mind   
that can't stop talking, redwood deck   
facing the ocean.   

Everything was covered with sand; the seams   
of the white lace dress, the child's hinged cup,   
the watch (even under the crystal), the legal papers.   

We were like you, or tried to be. We divided our treasures   
(a marble with no inside, a brooch from Siena),   
signed our names with all our strength, and went home   
in two directions, while the marriage continued   
without us in the whirling voice of gulls.


The Old Wound in My Ass Has Opened Again, but I Am Past the Prodigies of Youth's Campaigns

Since when does the NYPD investigate Al-Qaeda bomb plots? When it's transparently shameless bullshit in a world run by shameless professional bullshitters:

New York officials said on Sunday police had arrested a man trying to build a pipe bomb with instructions from an al Qaeda magazine which he planned to use against U.S. soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan... The suspect - identified as Jose Pimentel, 27 - was charged with three terrorism-related counts and two other counts, court documents said... Beyond soldiers, his intended targets were allegedly police officers and post offices, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said at a joint news conference with New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and District Attorney Cyrus Vance, the chief prosecutor for Manhattan... Pimentel had been under surveillance since May 2009 and was a "lone wolf" who got instructions on building a pipe bomb from "Inspire" magazine, published by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Kelly said.

Since 2009! Imperative he be arrested yesterday! Thank god for the NYPD for saving us massive terrorist destruction, please note that the police themselves were the target! A pint to the first of you who catches a motherfucking professional cracker-baiter tagging Pimental "The Occupy Terrorist." Fuck me Christ, here's Rose in the kitchen sink showering off the bullshit:


Alan Dugan

The old wound in my ass
has opened up again, but I
am past the prodigies
of youth’s campaigns, and weep
where I used to laugh
in war’s red humors, half
in love with silly-assed pains
and half not feeling them.
I have to sit up with
an indoor unsittable itch
before I go down late
and weeping to the storm-
cellar on a dirty night
and go to bed with the worms.
So pull dirt up over me
and make a family joke
for Old Billy Blue Balls,
the oldest private in the world
with two ass-holes and no
place more to go to for a laugh
except the last one. Say:
The North won the Civil War
without much help from me
although I wear a proof
of the war’s obscenity.


If He Rests It’s to Wind the Metronome or Sip His Cup of Ice . . .

This is the slowest week of the year in Blegsylvania, I'm picking up my daughter at BWI this evening and have plans most nights this week and all day and night this coming weekend, which isn't why I'm incapable of forming a half-coherent paragraph on my thoughts regarding Occupy's meanings, re: my full support for it v my half-assed participation in it. Perhaps the slowest week of the year in Blegsylvania is the time to post inchoate thoughts, though busy weeks in Blegsylvania have never been an impediment to such practice. In any case, I've watched this dozens of times in the past week, this is now BLCKDGRD - Theme Song 4:


D. Nurkse

After death, my father   
practices meticulously   
until the Bach is seamless,   
spun glass in a dream,   
you can no longer tell   
where the modulations are,   
or the pedal shifts
or the split fingerings . . .

if he rests
it’s to wind the metronome   
or sip his cup of ice . . .

but who is the other old man   
in the identical flannel gown,   
head cocked, listening
ever more critically,
deeper in the empty room?


Alone with Our Madness and Favorite Flower We See That There Really Is Nothing Left to Write About

I was running errands last evening, flipping stations in the car (my CD player died four days ago, I need a new car for Giftmas! yo), I landed on WAMU at 6:10, Market Place, public radio's Corporate business propaganda show, they were clowning Occupy deliberately and clowning Occupy (with varying levels of awareness) when trying not to clown on Occupy, and it occurred to me, clown the fuck away, Occupy the brand gets love-mocked or hate-mocked on NPR, on South Park, remember Corporate's Rules of Branding, all publicity is good publicity, even the nasty things, so please, clown away.

Oh! my watch isn't broke. I got duped by a fraud watch-repairman at Rodman's in Friendship Heights who sold me a bad battery, so I was told by the sales clerk at some jewelry store at L and Connecticut where I dropped it off to have it fixed before having lunch with a digital friend who's now an analog friend. Please note the newest addition to Me and Mine. This opportunity can be yours too! One major advantage is that while Me and Mine does update when one last posts it is organized alphabetically rather than by most recent post so your blog doesn't sink like an anchor of shame to the bottom of the blogroll when you don't post.

I've never had a digital wristwatch, I've always done circle 1-12. It'd been five, six days without that watch on my wrist after forever years with a watch on my wrist and, holyfuck, I put it on yesterday afternoon as soon as I had it back but didn't look at it until 9:30 last night and for the first time since I learned how to tell time, for a fraction of a fraction of a second I couldn't tell time, the oddest sensation I've had since the last until the next. Fine metaphors abound.


John Ashbery

Alone with our madness and favorite flower
We see that there really is nothing left to write about.
Or rather, it is necessary to write about the same old things
In the same way, repeating the same things over and over
For love to continue and be gradually different.

Beehives and ants have to be re-examined eternally
And the color of the day put in
Hundreds of times and varied from summer to winter
For it to get slowed down to the pace of an authentic
Saraband and huddle there, alive and resting.

Only then can the chronic inattention
Of our lives drape itself around us, conciliatory
And with one eye on those long tan plush shadows
That speak so deeply into our unprepared knowledge
Of ourselves, the talking engines of our day.