
2018 September 14

Asked how's the weather
I talk like someone guilty:
the cloud's aren't my fault

I don't control nor-
easter's snow, hurricane's rain,
for fuck's sake I'm not

jetstreams and high-pressure domes
that melt the Arctic

I am never asked 
twice about the weather, not
talked to at all now


2018 September 2

Blown, hiding place one
Two - six expire Friday
Seventh but a myth


2018 August 28

Don’t make rules don’t
don’t don’t over think sylla
bles don’t be fuck me


2018 Augest 20

Recent resentment
resent finalizes fap
my final fester

(another comment

I am typing faster, far
more accurately

now I've abandoned
tablet I can't fill a keyboard
template with letters)


2018 April 4

Sentence one: Israeli snipers target practice
Palestinian clay pigeons Sentence
two: fucks (and spawn) fat w profit high-five over shot giraffe
Next sentence shittier because shittiness shocks less,
cataloging all as curbing as cataloging none, I
am telling you three times The titan
who's bought ten necklaces of Micronesian islands
to survive his plagues famines resource wars
decimation of not just species but genera
including you and yours, bub, me and mine,
will foreclose our wheat-back penny ass to buy an eleventh and twelfth


2018 March 30

Counting the pounding
isn't organization
oligarchal ham
mer). *I* tap my fucklessness
chime by snap finger


2018 January 7

I hate squatting cold
nest my heart chittering: too
freeze in summer

My furnace hates me
shit flush forget pipes hate me
you hate me me you

Snot boulder in nose
disappointment on finger
Cold retaliates.