She Drove a Plymouth Satellite
After feedback, some regarding how deleted posts suck on readers and feeds but mostly because just as when Krola, lying in the Enterprise's SickBay after a botched suicide attempt meant to make Ryker look like an assassin, pleads with Durken, please Chancellor, you mustn't, a loved one (who was the first not-Earthgirl, not-me, not-doctor, not-nurse to hold tomorrow's honoree) asks me to stop, and I agree, I pat his hand, say, I know, my foolish old friend, I know, I stop. I hereby impose this one rule on the WTF24HRMAX posts, that there will be no more WTF24HRMAX posts, just the occasional, not deleted, not comment-closed, post at night hence. Still playing w/header, yo.
Since tomorrow's post is planetary in scope, let me just say now that the latest Bleggal Overlord War over Israel that's just broke out and is going to dominate tomorrow's twooterspew and what's left of Blegsylvania is going to be the nastiest loudest ugliest and suckiest since the last until the next. Here's a giveaway hint about tomorrow's post's Egoslavian significance.