- The capitalist rush back to the feudal past.
- Capitalism.
- What is coercion?
- Drones.
- The most obvious reason Obamabhorent lets the Yemeni rot in jail is because if he intervenes the professional Right and their cracker base will scream TERRORIST APPEASER! Which makes the professional Left and their pwoggle base worse.
- On the above. On the above.
- Congratulations! You've been targeted for assassination.
- Ladies and gentlemen, the greatest academic fraud of his generation! (I say this admiringly.)
- My future hell.
- Fuck-me-jig.
- Waiting for Wotan, continued.
- Blue's playlist. I confess, I was born w/o the blues gene.
Jack Gilbert
He keeps the valley like this with his heart.
By paying attention, being capable, remembering.
Otherwise, there would be flies as big as dogs
in the vineyard, cows made entirely of maggots,
cruelty with machinery and canvas, sniggering
among the olive trees and sea grossly vast.
He struggles to hold it right, the eight feet
of heaven by the well with geraniums and basil.
He will rejoice even if the shepherd girl
does not pass anymore at evening. And whether
or not she ate her lamb at Easter. He knows
that loneliness is our craft, that death is
God's vigorish. He does not keep it fine
by innocence of leaving things out.