
We Gave Our Dogs a Button to Sniff, or a Tissue, and They Bounded Off Confident in Their Training, in the Power of their Senses to Re-Create the Body

Thursday Night Pints was last night at my request: tomorrow we leave for England, I need tonight free in case because. Serendipitous: K (whom you've met) and special guest 2nd K, Moskovy-era Russian historian and good guy and soon to be obamapostate joined us, which they wouldn't have tonight.

Debate ensued. I said (I say this all the time here, forgive me), Obama's a motherfucking pig who believes and is invested in Corporate's crescendo to clusterfuck's clustergasm or he's a motherfucking cog, a bigger motherfucking cog than motherfucking you and me (and is fully interested in maintaining that hierarchy, you don't doubt that, do you?), but still a motherfucking cog or he's the moral agent you would have him be and doing the best possible honorable job he can within the parameters he can control: which is the worse scenario?

Well, it's not one or the other, 2nd K said, and I said sure, death to the either/or, that's granted, but you'd never vote for the first and why would you vote for the second? .06% less shitty debate ensued. K asked me how's blogging. I got a motherfucking email last week saying it's a shame I curse so motherfucking much, but other than that it's the motherfucking same every motherfucking day.


D. Nurkse

We gave our dogs a button to sniff,
or a tissue, and they bounded off
confident in their training,
in the power of their senses
to re-create the body

but after eighteen hours in rubble
where even steel was pulverized
they curled on themselves
and stared up at us
and in their soft huge eyes
we saw mirrored the longing for death

then we had to beg a stranger
to be a victim and crouch
behind a girder, and let the dogs
discover him and tug him
proudly, with suppressed yaps,
back to Command and the rows
of empty triage tables

But who will hide from us?
Who will keep digging for us
here in the cloud of ashes