
Its Hollow Spaces Seem Solids of Light Until It Wobbles and Begins to Whine

Either at this juncture of late-capitalist economics there's literally nothing any action by humans can do to alter the world economy's crash - it's Obama can't not won't - or he's been told to speed up the liquidation - Mitt Romney is equal in the polls? Like those free dinners at 1789, Obama?

Death to the Either/Or! Corporate knows how fucked up the clusterfuck is, and even if Obama knew how to fix it and had the political capital to fix it so your kids aren't blood farming in 2030, he wouldn't.


Howard Nemerov

This admirable gadget, when it is
Wound on a string and spun with steady force,
Maintains its balance on most any smooth
Surface, pleasantly humming as it goes.
It is whirled not on a constant course, but still
Stands in unshivering integrity
For quite some time, meaning nothing perhaps
But being something agreeable to watch,
A silver nearly silence gleaning a still-
ness out of speed, composing unity
From spin, so that its hollow spaces seem
Solids of light, until it wobbles and
Begins to whine, and then with an odd lunge
Eccentric and reckless, it skids away
And drops dead into its own skeleton.