
If We're Not Supposed to Dance, Why All This Music?

Weiner was discussed at Thursday Night Pints, just two this week, me and D. We each told each other exactly what we could have guessed each of us would say re: Weiner. That's not precisely true: he had heard me tell the George Carlin joke about power before, how anyone driving slower than me is a jerk and anyone driving faster an asshole, though he hadn't heard me say that the only person I know who ever ran for any office who wasn't an asshole ran for office to keep a particular asshole out of office but also to prove a non-asshole could win, and he lost. 

What's it like in Blogland, he asked. Everyone's digitally competing to be the definer of the ultimate cultural significance of Weiner, I said. That everyone's digitally competing to be the definer of the ultimate cultural significance of Weiner instead of impotently yammering about about anything that matters IS the ultimate cultural significance of Weiner. My blog will say this Friday morning. You don't get a scotch for that, he said, though I got a charity pint for effort since I don't drink scotch.


Gregory Orr

To be alive: not just the carcass
But the spark.
That's crudely put, but…

If we're not supposed to dance,
Why all this music?