
Find My Navel So That It Will Exist

More Planet pieces and then I will stop. She had prom last night, graduates a week from Tuesday, so won't have access to a kiln until August at K, so no more until December and what she brings home. Sorry for the shittier quality of the photos - I can't find the portfolio these are in on the pc, so I took photos just now. 

Once I start a bleggalgaze I need finish it. K asks me, you have how many active blogs? and I say it depends what you mean by active but I say three, the one you know, the one I do drafts on so if I fuck up and hit publish instead of saved the fuck-up doesn't speed-feed, a third I originally set up to write about blogging (it does fascinate me) but I've ended up in a doublefucking bleggalgazing loop, not a bad thing, just not what I had intended.

I listened again last night to Kate Bush's latest where she reworks songs already hard-wired in my brain, and, while it disturbs me down to the marrow level I can't help hehhing at how great a Lord irony is, me a blegger who earns his pings singing the same song differently today than yesterday complaining about reworking.


George Oppen

Chorus (androgynous): 'Find me
So that I will exist, find my navel
So that it will exist, find my nipples
So that they will exist, find every hair
Of my belly, I am good (or I am bad),
Find me.'