
The Song Sparrow Puts All His Saying into One Repeated Song

Relinking to Richard's review of his Music 2013 not only because I added it late to yesterday's post and not only because it is full of great music suggestions but mostly because he mentioned the Pere Ubu show at Rock and Roll Hotel we attended last September and I was reminded that I recorded the above, a live version of this shitty blog's long-time Theme Song Two, it's over to the left, has been for years.

  • I did not know that. See Theme Song Three.
  • Chomsky as moral compass?
  • On Chomsky in the role of moral compass and his fans.
  • Good friend Jay Paleo Old Arra Dirty 101 Bama and I emailed last night, this post's title came to mind when I wrote this: As always it comes down to each individual's level of moral pragmatism. Give that Chomsky serves power in ways he's either unaware of (which, being Chomsky, I find highly improbable) or is aware of his situation and decides that there IS no alternative to Capital's power, there's only ways of mitigating its rapacious drive. Um, less-shittyism, let's call it. I'm always reminded of George Carlin's definition of the difference between a jerk and and asshole: a jerk is someone who drives slower than you, an asshole someone who drives faster
  • Brutality and complexity in the global economy.
  • Slap-single switch-hitter batting helmet as brand for Corporate mendacity. 
  • He, for one, welcomes his new insect overlords.  
  • Anne Carson's Glass Essay.
  • Philip Glass turned 77 yesterday. Here's Metamorphosis, here's:


A.R. Ammons

The song
sparrow puts all his
into one
repeated song:
variations, subtleties
he manages,
to encompass denser
meanings, I’m
too coarse
to catch: it’s
one song, an over-reach
from which
all possibilities,
like filaments,
nesting, dying,
sun or cloud,
figure up
and become
song—simple, hard: