- Mr Charlie requested that song for Ringo's 73rd birthday today.
- When verifying date in Wikipedia I clicked on the Barbara Bach date (I was curious how old she was) and read that Ringo's brother-in-law is Joe Walsh. Today's fact you probably didn't know.
- Mencken on Snowden, Bradley, Assange, etc....
- Of course the NSA is listening to everyone in the world.
- More people read The Guardian than the NYT.
- Why Google killed Google Reader. The latest change that pisses me off: I now have to title posts at DRGDKCLB or I cannot post new content. Then there's the issue I've been wisely advised to not detail here. Then there's motherfucking Google. Then there's the fact that I've asked people to migrate twice already, from blooger to typepad then back to blooger. Then there's the issue that a year or more ago the Update Template button on my blooger dashboard died and I can make no changes to color or fonts if I want to. Then there's the issue that motherfucking blooger is fucking useless at providing help when something breaks. Then there's the issue that Google killed Google Reader and I use bloogers (admittedly excellent) self-updating blogrolls as my bookmarks. Waah.
- I also think blooger has arbitrarily reduced the font size from Times New Roman 11 to Times New Roman 10, though that might just be a combination of illusion and old eyes.
- Though without a doubt blooger is getting skeevier.
- Anyway, if you, or anyone you trust, knows how to work blooger/Google at a far more sophisticated level than me and wants me to buy you (or the person you trust) the book of poetry or CD of your (or the person you trust's) choice in exchange for helping me sort various issues please let me know.
- Passions of the meritocracy.
- We are all John Derbyshire now.
- Maggie's weekly links.
- { feuilleton }'s weekly links.
- Einstein's bathrobe.
- Self-portrait.
- Someone else like Fennesz.
- Mahler was born 153 years ago today. If I've lost some mwah for the symphonies my mwah for the Lieder has grown. Hamster, you sent me a playlist once? I'm trying to find it, if I do I'll post it.
E. Ethelbert Miller
It was the language that left us first.
The Great Migration of words. When people
spoke they punched each other in the mouth.
There was no vocabulary for love. Women
became masculine and could no longer give
birth to warmth or a simple caress with their
lips. Tongues were overweight from profanity
and the taste of nastiness. It settled over cities
like fog smothering everything in sight. My
ears begged for camouflage and the chance
to go to war. Everywhere was the decay of
how we sound. Someone said it reminded
them of the time Sonny Rollins disappeared.
People spread stories of how the air would
never be the same or forgive. It was the end
of civilization and nowhere could one hear
the first notes of A Love Supreme. It was as
if John Coltrane had never been born.