
Two Pickpockets Are Denying a Robust Policeman's Suggestion That They Are "Suspiciously Encumbered"

MOCO ex-pat and dearly beloved Paleo Jay Old Dirty Arra 101 Bama sent me an email this morning, he has a song, it's got a good beat and you can dance to it, though I've discovered many don't want to: Would you care to blog about dealing with 0bots who tear into you for being an asshole because you question the almighty Great Leader? Happened to me today and I was stunned. It was over the Potemkin Mortgage Fraud Investigation, calling me an asshole by pointing out that 0 was lying. They trotted out the usual crap about suppressing the base, etc. I thought Bush Dead-enders were bad...Tribalism is the way now. I responded : To be honest, I've been holding back because it pisses off actual flesh and blood friends. I mean, I motherfucking Obama all the time, but I'm holding back as your request demonstrates. But please, if it's in a comment thread of something PLEASE send it. PJODA101B responded: I'll just send you what he wrote. This guy is a high school friend, totally liberal until he became an 0bot:"I don't know why you, and some other liberals, are so outraged by Obama, as if he were immune to the forces that have molded all of our politics for the last 30 years or so. He doesn't lie any more than any other president that I can tell. ...In my view, Dems are slightly better than Republicans, just in their social values. But everybody could be much better. If you keep attacking Obama, his base won't turn out and Mitt will be our next president. Can you not get over your disappointment with the guy? It is unwarranted, and, no offense, childlike." I responded "0bot (not his real name), did you even read the article? If so, the outrage would be crystal clear. Childlike would be to answer STFU to someone who had their house stolen by a bank and now have no recourse. I thought lack of empathy was a Conservative feature, but pretty much everyone is a Conservative these days." PJODA101B then followed-up to me: I suppose the part that's hardest to digest is how supposedly educated people can sign on to this bullshit and think it is awesome. 0bama took what was left of the left and turned them into champions of Conservative values. Should I be impressed or saddened at how easy it was? Looks like a recipe for the next World Horror that people ask in following generations "How did they allow that to happen?" And now I've posted it as I promised. Too bad he doesn't have a shitty blog! Please come visit PJODA101B! And if we do go to Montreal this summer, we'll come visit you!

UPDATE! Thunder emails sending me here where he was set upon by angry obamapologists in comments - it's about halfway down the comment thread.


Lyn Hejinian

Perhaps my dear family can profit from my story
As it continues two pickpockets are denying a robust policeman's
        suggestion that they are "suspiciously encumbered"
If encumbered, they insist, they would resemble kids with a lot to say
They would resemble unwanted sympathy
They would not be like holes in a hallway