- Couple of pieces working which I had no desire to work on yesterday, instead threw plastic at metal, dined with loved ones, started Vineland for it's every four year reread and then it was eleven. Links from the weekend while they're fresh.
- The Big Empty.
- Capitalism.
- Motherfucking Obama.
- The Obama contradiction. I don't think it's a contradiction at all.
- Call me when Krugman has his obamapostasy. Or when motherfucking Obama calls Paul Ryan a motherfucking fraud.
- Capitalism.
- Motherfucking crackers.
- Motherfucking Obama.
- Not an accident.
- Motherfucking Democrats.
- On the motherfucking bet: I failed to mention that L, who initiated the bet that I can't go the month of May onblog without using any form of the word motherfucker, including slides like emeffer, herself has a bet that she can't go the four scheduled Thursday Night Pints (there are five Thursdays in May, though I'll not be at the 5/10 cause I'll be in Bamgier picking up Planet! Yay me!) without saying motherfucker and, far more challengingly, cocksucker. I look forward to my pint this Thursday, L, after only two, three minutes of goading.
- David Harvey interview.
- Arendt on secret police.
- Pirate radical philosophy.
- A new Karl.
- Margaret Atwood uses Moby Dick to explain America to Martians.
- On Lisa Robertson's new book of essays. Want.
- Lisa Robertson.
- Tell me know so I know.
- Mazzy Star 2012 live!
- Woke up with this in my head:
Rebecca Lindenberg
The mask that burns like a violin, the mask
that sings only dead languages, that loves
the destruction of being put on. The mask
that sighs like a woman even though
a woman wears it. The mask beaded with
freshwater pearls, with seeds. The plumed mask,
the mask with a sutured mouth, a moonface,
with a healed gash that means harvest. A glower
that hides wanting. A grotesque pucker. Here’s
a beaked mask, a braided mask, here’s a mask
without eyes, a mask that looks like a mask
but isn’t—please don’t try to unribbon it.
The mask that snows coins, the mask full of wasps.
Lace mask to net escaping thoughts. Pass me
the rouged mask, the one made of sheet music.
Or the jackal mask, the hide-bound mask
that renders lovers identical with night.