
Shred of Gale

What the hell was that, K asked me first thing at Thursday Night Pints re: whatever I was doing here yesterday. They've been told stories of King of Anarchist, I told them the latest, something shitty towards me, something obnoxious to a newby: nothing new, it's just that as POTUS 12 ramps up to unimaginable depths of tribal lunacy those of us screaming about tribal lunacy will be triply ignored so we'll scream at everyone else in our tribe triply viciously. That was yesterday's (meaning Tuesday's) piss-off, today's (meaning yesterday's) was I needed some lame what-the-fuck, make me giggle, alienate the readers by not only denying them their daily aggregator but by giffing them XYZ and music in a lame-ass full page stunt. The best way to quit POTUS 12 would be to quit blogging, said L. I know, I said. You'd read and write more if you quit, said D. I know, I said. Look at you smile, said K, you're proud of that page, there's no way in hell you'll quit. I know, I said.


Wislawa Szymborska
Translated by Clare Cavanagh and Stanislaw Baranczak

Everything -
a smug and bumptious word.
It should be written in quotes.
It pretends to miss nothing,
to gather, hold, contain, and have.
While all the while it's just
a shred of gale