Fuck, we play in a digital league where everyone wants to be King of Anarchists. Can you imagine a world without competition? Again, here's my thing: aren't humans selfish bastards enough that if there was a better way to organize competition wouldn't humans clutch that model and never let it go?
Anyone know WTF with that guy in the red poncho? I thought he was a union guy arguing power to the point of violence with Occupiers, but I also was told he was just motherfucking nuts. He kept interrupting Occupiers arguing with Occupiers over who'd be King of Arguing About Everything Out of Principle. I'm old: everybody I meet reminds me of someone I already know and, as always fine irony abounds.
A elderly woman suddenly stood next to me in the intersection of 15th and K, her bunned grey hair and high-pitched whispervoice reminded my of an English professor at Anne Arundel Community College circa 1989 who did me a major Kind. The woman asked me why I was there and I did my hummina and she said, yes, it's important all these young people see some old people supporting them. Yes, I said, so they'll still be fools like us when they're old. Yes, she said.
- E.J. Dionne is a either a profoundly stupid or profoundly amoral man.
- Got you! Death to the either/or.
- Premature exaltation.
- On the above.
- They're coming to get you.
- Responding to sleaze.
- Custer doesn't equal Sitting Bull.
- Occupy is moving into your house.
- The end of capitalism?
- Open table.
- A day that will live in INnovation.
- Also, motherfucking crackers.
- One motherfucking ambitious asshole and cracker.
- Eat me.
- @BLCKDGRD. Let me know where to track you if you want to be tracked.
- ICC.
- Silver Line.
- I know someone rather intimately who's art room is right next door to the guy at the center of this story. He's a dick.
- Wonderful!
- Bat Segundo interviews Joyce Carol Oates.
- Mining the audio motherlode.
- Thirty-one years ago today.
Andrew Demcak
you are the standard prototype
glibly electric
who eked out a living
history remembered
religion believed
what troubled enough
to wish
on a wandering star?
you couldn't imagine another existence
this country's impressive standards
its plastic familiarities
angels arriving daily with iPhones