I'm in Love, What's That Song?
Safe trip, Planet's home, always 70 to 68 to 79 to 70 to Bamgier, 70 to 79 to 68 to 70 back from now on. Bamgier is beautiful. Dinner last night with Planet and three friends, charming, sweet. Listened to CDs the entire way, listened to no news on the radio, watched no TV in the hotel room, checked my email briefly last night, no sites, not you, sorry, imposed a news blackout the entire trip start to finish, get into Earthgirl's car after driving the rental back twenty minutes ago, her radio was tuned to WTOP, Breaking News! Countdown to the Shutdown! here's analysis by motherfucking Plot Markkin, quick, here's one of the songs from the trip:
My Complicity,
Theme Song,