New Swans! or: A Sensible Egoslavian Futile Weekend Blogging Post
New Swans (LOUD! please) makes this the Best Egoslavian Futile Weekend Blogging post ever since the last until the next. Saving links for a Monday makes this the most sensible Egoslavian Fuitle Weekend Blogging post since this post until the next. Click tag for more Swans.
OH! you friends who've been urging me to revisit Deep Space Nine: I watched the tenth episode of the first year last night, Move Along Home. Stupidest, lamest 45 minutes of television I've ever seen, not just in all the Star Trek franchises, any television. I feel like a amnesiac who just recovered his memory: I remember now why Deep Space Nine never worked for me. Won't give up - yet - but bless me Lord Shatner, that was craptacularly awful.
Also too: sometime this afternoon this iteration of this shitty blog will have it's 500,000 ping since it opened in October 2010. I recognize a significant percentage of those pings are from spambots and another significant percentage by random googling of words I've used and poems I've posted, but thank you very much those of you who regularly tune in, especially my long-timers. As always, if you are Kinding me and me not you, please let me know.