- New Robert Pollard. Yes, there's always new Robert Pollard.
- David Thomas interview.
- Pere Ubu US tour is on despite visa problems.
- Listened to the new Pollard on way to and from hiking on Sugarloaf w/Earthgirl today, just saw the Thomas/Ubu links now, I'd gathered the links below over coffee this morning, was going to save them for tomorrow, but two of three of the permanent members in My Sillyass Deserted Island Five Game in my head, I'll not be able to listen to anything else today less I post this now.
- Sometime in my early 20s Park Mrebelic and Willy Bayne and I were drinking pitchers and shooting pool in a bar on Wilkins off Parklawn when a boatload of bikers rolled in. We were told the table was theirs, don't bother finishing our game. OK, finished our pitcher at the bar, poured quarters into the juke box, punched Linda Ronstadt's Blue Bayou thirty-two times, left. Nonetheless, wouldn't wish Parkinsons on anyone.
- You'll have to go find them since I've used up my free views in August for both the NYT and WP and fuck if I'll give them money, but both have articles today in which the ledes I can see suggest liberals are asking her to leave SCOTUS now because they fear (a) a Republican will win the White House in 2016 and (b) then she'll die.
- Tarzie's interrogation of The Guardian continues.
- Vanity and venality.
- Maggie's weekly links.
- New Inquiry's Sunday links.
- The best vegetarian restaurants in DC area. (h/t SeatSix for these two)
- The seven best vegan restaurants in DC area.
- { feuilleton }'s weekly links.
- Borges, for those of you who do.
- Borges, politics, and the postcolonial.
- Debord, for those of you who do.
- Lovecraft, for those of you who do. I confess, I never did, though I know some of you do.
- Melville, for those of you who do.
Philip Nikolayev
The user interface has the following format. Upon accessing the URL,
the user sees a welcome message with some explanation of the service
provided. The user is prompted to enter his or her name, date of birth,
When everything else fails, try something new. and email address,
For instance, try the central mental hospital, then to left click on the
sit back and mumble enjoying the belle vue submit button. Based on
until the nurse has counted you all. this information, the CGI script
Our group files in fresh from the courtyard walk, generates “on the
a pageant of male flesh in ugly dress. fly” an appropriate horoscope
There’s bundles of excitement but little talk. reading for the end user,
The chess-players are breaking out their chess. or displays the logs
No one to mention the Afghan War. The state, and user Statistics if
crumbling, buys me my sparse and forkless lunch. the current user is
This latest novel fails to kill my worries, the site admin. Parse CGI
The Plexiglas window withstands a teenage a punch. variables (or
God, I must prove completely nuts, by fate lookup logged record) to
unfit for active military service. obtain user’s birthday. Parse user’s
stats, verify and save to log file. Compute user’s Zodiac sign based on
birth date. Print personalized greeting. Generate a horoscope reading and
send it to user’s browser} else if (user == administrator) {compute stats.