With Each Epithet Create New Reasons to Believe or Doubt You
Forgive me, I love that song. Bowie is sixty-six today. All other songs via buds, thank you very much. It's probably apocryphal, but I once read Bowie said, at accusations he stole ideas, it's not who does it first, it's who does is second. I've a friend who wonders if the sting of those accusations made Bowie make the choices of his late career. Anyway, Bowie was on my daily soundtrack during the formative years of my lifetime's soundtrack. I want to give 1990 - present another listen. I'm hopeful there are songs I'll feel stupid for missing when they were released years ago.
Meditations on Obama's second term. Rewarding torturers. Drone godfather. Obama's Cheney. I overheard two int'l affairs/govt professors talking yesterday, one said, so the fight over Hagel is to distract from Brennan's nomination, the other said, no, the Hagel nomination is solely a fuck you to Bibi. What Obama's nominations mean. The deadly serious part. State of fear. Image of the enemy. Imagination bodies forth. It's the political economy, stupid. Crisis theory and the current conjecture. Shill. Najar to Netherlands. Meillassoux, for those of you who do. Lisa Robertson. 95th Street. Szymborska. Szymborska. One playlist from Cleveland, another playlist from Cleveland. Mining the audio motherlode. I didn't know of Seu Jorge, a friend requests his cover of Space Oddity. Holyfuck, find a bunch here. Thank you, anne. Absolute beginners. Bowie on Dick Cavett Show. What, a new Bowie song? Um, ugh. Quick, below, sorry, video cuts out, great song:
Mark Jarman
Dear God, Our Heavenly Father, Gracious Lord
Mother Love and Maker, Light Divine,
Atomic Fingertip, Cosmic Design,
First Letter of the Alphabet, Last Word,
Mutual Satisfaction, Cash Award,
Auditor Who Approves Our Bottom Line,
Examiner Who Says That We Are Fine,
Oasis That All Sands Are Running Toward.
I can say almost anything about you,
O Big Idea, and with each epithet,
Create new reasons to believe or doubt you,
Black Hole, White Hole, Presidential Jet.
But what's the anything I must leave out? You
Solve nothing but the problems that I set.
Friend's Playlist,
My Complicity,