Lauren's Curl Up and Dye, last night's header, is in Millersburg Ohio. We discovered it last April on one of our hours-long drive with Planet to give her a break from campus. There won't be a drive when I take Planet to Bamgier in two weeks, Earthgirl not joining us - she has to stay here while her dying and demented mother's dying and demented husband is driven north from Florida so they can say goodbye to each other. Plans may change: my mother-in-law is in the hospital now: she started coughing up blood last night. We will have an hours-long drive in October when we visit for Parents' Weekend, I'll gladly miss United's last regular season home game for that drive. Also, apologies: I sent out a batch of knocks last night to moribund bloggerfriends, regretted it within minutes. Who am I to badger? I mean, while I embrace the what-the-fuck, even what-the-fuckedness has its limits.
- Police state.
- Fantasy world.
- Zombies.
- Budget hero.
- Preparing you for the future.
- Performance journalism.
- Small acts of resistance.
- Your algorithm.
- Two reminders: I'm closing comments after they're silent more than 24 hours because I'm getting spammed and I hate motherfucking squiggles. Also, no one has claimed my extra copy of Vollmann's Fathers and Crows. Your loss.
- UPDATE! Vollmann's been claimed.
- The answer is no. Worldcat sucks.
- Gone lawn by night.
- Silliman's always awesome lit-links.
- The world's ten most difficult books? Well, if you choose of your free will to read Heidegger, you deserve what you get. McElroy's fun.
- Lauren's Curl Up and Dye will be back tonight since because.
- UPDATE! No it won't, butnextpost,
- Beckett, for those of you who do.
- Salter, for those of you who do.
- Futureheads.
- Live Diamond Terrifier set. Holyfuck, it's love.
- Hamster sent me a link to an excellent new Will Oldham interview. In the past this would have sparked a cascade, and you can have the below song, which is one of my ten favorite songs ever, but no cascade this time. Strangest days of my life. Since Hamster was with us when we saw Oldham last year I was reminded of Lampchop who Hamster saw with us a few months ago which reminded me of the song below the poem.
Forrest Gander
Could have been
otherwise and
birdsong make us
nauseous. And
gigantic roiling sunsets
give us vertigo. The
world of flowers is
for insects, not
us. But tonic
is durance among.