
With regard to regarding slapped and ready and bleeding

With regard to regarding slapped and ready and bleeding
don’t be so obscure as to insinuating knuckle
dance naked in false clothing I’m selling by selling I’m
I’ve no idea what I write or on purpose by buying
as baseball statisticians him with a drunken error
count each foul ball hallowly won’t know how I could have killed
maybe we always needed cant won’t not remember me
discipline when discipline I marvel the Toyota’s
spurred the easy discipline’s self-spanked breakfast at stoplights
self-sparked breakfasts at stoplights spurred the easy discipline’s
I marvel the Toyota’s discipline like discipline
cant won’t not remember me maybe we always needed
won’t know how I could have killed count each foul ball hallowly
him with a drunken error as baseball statisticians
or on purpose by buying I’ve no idea what I write
I’m selling by selling I’m dance naked in false clothing
insinuating knuckles don’t be so obscure as to
slapped and ready and bleeding with regard to regarding.