

Doink, I am the guy in score-settling
Say I get a dozen more readers
matrixes who kills me. I can see
say a guy two hundred years from now
systems but not build them
finds a heat-seared moleskine contents
I can whine or adapt, I am shameless
stenciled on my tongue, I will love you.
I do both! to equal effect, equal claps.


My Fatal Flaw

My fatal flaw is I don't sand my keystone.
My fatal flaw is I don't sand my keystone.
I don't want to be king.
I don't want to be king, I resent
I resent not being king.
not being king. I'm happiest
I'm happiest when surlily
surlily scolding the king
scolding the king from my pinhole.
from my balcony. My fatal flaw
My fatal flaw: I'm smart enough to know
is smart enough to know my percentile.
my percentile, I could be an asshole,
I could be an asshole, have fewer
have fewer, better scars.
deeper scars. My fatal flaw cheats,
My fatal flaw competes, disqualifies itself.
disqualifies itself while in the lead.
My fatal flaw expects congratulations.
My fatal flaw expects congratulations
My fatal flaw counts syllables
for being disqualified. My fatal flaw
regardless. My fatal flaw would smoke
won't do what I want it to because I want it to
if offered. My fatal flaw is fluent
when offered. My fatal flaw can't read
in insignificance: stoppered, what isn't?
its own handwriting. My fatal flaw
My fatal flaw is I don't want to be king
believes its ark should make it king.
but since I can't be king I'm a shitty prince.



I'm not empty but thirsty
quenched. The house band
covers corpses, eight six
seven five three O nine. My
thirsty is empty, pocks
like reshaken club soda.